Alba Regia Symphony Orchestra

24 March 2025, 19.30-22.00

Grand Hall

Alba Regia Symphony Orchestra

,Sounds of the Present " - Balázs/Bella/Dobri/Fekete/Madarász/Szentpáli/Varga

Ádám Balázs: War and Peace (world premiere)
Máté Bella: The Cheerleaders
Dániel Dobri: [New piece]
Gyula Fekete: Ares
Iván Madarász: Echo
Roland Szentpáli: Barbaro [world premiere]
Judit Varga: Around a Roundabout

Alba Regia Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Rémi Durupt
Contemporary artistic director: Dániel Dobri

Presented by

Zeneakadémia Koncertközpont, Alba Regia Symphony Orchestra


HUF 2 9000, 3 700

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