Folk Dance House Day – Generations of Transylvanian Folk Music

4 May 2024, 19.30-22.00

Grand Hall

Acoustic, authentic

Folk Dance House Day – Generations of Transylvanian Folk Music

Budatelke: Menyasszonykísérő, ţigăneşte és de ungurime
Hârleţ Ioan 'Nucu”, Dénes Hrúz, István ’Szalonna’ Pál, Szabolcs Szilágyi (violin), Zsolt Nagy (viola), Albert Mohácsy (double bass)
Gyimes: lassú magyaros, jártatója, sirülője
Zoltán Juhász, Zsombor Tulipán (recorder), Éva Fábián, Fatima Szalay (vocals), Attila Mihó (violin), Orsolya András (gardon)
Gyergyó: marosszéki, lassú & gyors csárdás
Attila Mihó (violin), Ágnes Enyedi (vocals), Tamás Enyedi (cimbalom), Orsolya András (gardon)
Felső-Maros mente: marossárpataki verbunk & sebes forduló
Magos band: Csaba Soós, Márton Kovács (violin), Márton Éri (viola), Tamás Enyedi (cimbalom), István Prihoda (double bass)
Széki lassú, magyar & csárdás
Anna Sőregi (vocals), Attila Halmos (violin), Péter Árendás (kontra), Máté Tóth (small double bass)
Palatkai ritka és sűrű magyar, páros táncok
Márta Virágvölgyi, Márton Kovács, Florin Kodoba, Szabolcs Szilágyi (violin), Antal 'Puma' Fekete, Péter Árendás (kontra), Albert Mohácsy (double bass)
Magyarszováti lassú cigánytánc (Jár a kislány), magyar és sebes magyar
Zoltán Juhász, Zsombor Tulipán (recorder) Attila Mihó (violin), Fatima Szalay (vocals), Antal 'Puma' Fekete (kontra), Máté Tóth (double bass)
Búzai lassú magyar (Barna Jánosé), lassú énekkel és sűrű csárdás
Anna Takács, Ágnes Enyedi (vocals), Attila Mihó (violin), Antal 'Puma' Fekete (kontra), Máté Tóth (double bass)
Bonchida: esztényi lassú, lassú csárdás és régi ritka magyar
Magos band: Ágnes Enyedi, Márta Virágvölgyi (vocals), Csaba Soós, Márton Kovács (violin), Márton Éri (brácsa), Tamás Enyedi (cimbalom), István Prihoda (double bass)
Kalotaszegi hajnali nóta és legényesek
Éva Fábián, Anna Sőregi (vocals), Dűvő band: Dénes Hrúz, Szabolcs Hrúz, István 'Szalonna' Pál (violin), Zsolt Nagy (kontra), Albert Mohácsy (double bass)
Szatmári cigánybotoló, oláhos, csárdások és friss csárdás
Márta Virágvölgyi, Dénes Hrúz, Szabolcs Hrúz, Attila Halmos, István 'Szalonna' Pál, Csaba Soós, Attila Mihó, Szabolcs Szilágyi (violin), Péter Árendás (viola), Zsolt Nagy (kontra), Endre Liber (cimbalom), Albert Mohácsy (double bass)

Host: Alexandra Berta
Programme editors: László Kelemen, Péter Árendás

Traditionally, the Folk Dance House Day is celebrated nationwide in Hungary on the anniversary of the first urban folk dance house. The concert at the Liszt Academy is part of a national event series, which has been organized jointly since 2022 by the Hungarian Heritage House, the Folk Music Department, and the Liszt Academy Concert Centre. The event explores the relationship between generations of the folk dance house movement – from a musical perspective. The fourth generation of folk dancers has grown up in the course of the more than five decades since the revival of the Hungarian folk dance house movement. Each generation sets new goals that are rooted in the work of their predecessors, while wishing to change it at the same time. A common point, however, is that each generation draws from the values of traditional peasant culture. Today, institutions such as the Hungarian Heritage House and the Folk Music Department of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music support this process, bringing generations closer to the sources of inspiration as much as possible.


Buy tickets for the concerts organized by the Liszt Academy at the same time and we will give you
  • 10% discount for 2 concerts,
  • 15% discount for 3 concerts,
  • 20% discount for 4 or more concerts.


Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre, Hungarian Heritage House


HUF 2 900

Concert series:

Acoustic, Authentic

Other events in the concert series: